Category: General Information

  • Kale Chips

    Set oven at 275 degrees 1 bunch of organic kale- cut into chip sized pieces-1 1/2″-2″ inch sections- this will produce approximately 6 cups of loosely packed kale 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted 1/4 teaspoon salt Wash and dry kale leaves. Then, either Spread them on a cookie sheet and spread coconut oil all over…

  • What is BPA?

    What is BPA? BPA stands for Bisphenol A. BPA is carbon-based synthetic compound that is used to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA exhibits hormone-like properties and contributes to a broad range of health effects.  BPA can contribute to: Neurological effects (interferes with dopamine pathways) Obesity Thyroid function Breast cancer Prostate cancer Brain tumors Asthma…

  • Is this produce organic?

    Ever wonder if the produce you are buying is organic, genetically modified (GMO) or conventionally grown ? Here’s a little hint to differentiate between them: The PLU (product lookup code) on the sticker can help you distinguish how the product was grown. PLU is 4 digits =  Conventionally Grown PLU is 5 digits and begins…